Tumble dryer balls: everything you need to know

Are you familiar with the popular dryer balls (also called Dryerballs) and are you wondering what exactly these balls do? Then read on, because we explain the benefits of this tumble dryer hack!

What Are Tumble Dryer Balls And How Do They Work?

Tumble dryer balls are round balls that you place in the dryer to soften your clothes and reduce wrinkles. They work by bouncing in the dryer and softening the fabrics while also circulating air between the clothes.

Grandmother's trick

In the past, tennis balls were often used to fluff up down jackets and make the laundry dry faster. Adding these balls to the wet laundry and spinning them together creates more space and air between the textiles. However, tennis balls make a lot of noise and can damage the dryer and delicate fabrics. Fortunately, there are now many alternatives on the market that are specially made for the tumble dryer and textiles.

Are tumble dryer balls better than fabric softener?

Tumble dryer balls are a more natural alternative to fabric softener and also help to reduce drying time and reduce wrinkles. They are hypoallergenic and safe for use with all types of fabrics.

Plastic/rubber dryer balls or wool dryer balls?

There are many different dryer balls on the market, including plastic/rubber and wool varieties. High-quality plastic/rubber dryer balls will not damage the dryer and clothes, but it is important to choose a soft, good quality one. Wool dryer balls are more durable and provide the same effect. They are hypoallergenic and baby safe. In addition, they are often made from recycled sheep's wool. Make sure that the wool is RWS certified and that the sheep are treated well.

Can I use fabric softener with wool dryer balls?

The use of fabric softener is not necessary if you use woolen dryer balls, because the balls already soften the laundry. In addition, fabric softener can damage the balls and make them less effective.

How many dryer balls do you need?

Add 2-3 plastic/rubber/wool dryer balls for a small wash, 3-4 for a normal wash and 4-6 for a large/full drum. This creates more space between the textile pieces, so that the laundry dries faster and comes out of the drum less creased!

How often should tumble dryer balls be replaced?

Tumble dryer balls last up to 1000 drying cycles. However, it is recommended to replace them every 2-3 years to maintain optimum performance.

Can tumble dryer balls be used with delicate fabrics?

Yes, dryer balls are safe to use with delicate fabrics. However, it is recommended to opt for tumble dryer balls made from wool or other natural materials as they are gentler on delicate fabrics.

Can Tumble Dryer Balls Help Reduce Static?

Yes, tumble dryer balls help reduce static in clothes by separating the fabrics to reduce friction.

Can wool dryer balls damage my clothes?

No, wool dryer balls are safe to use and will not damage your clothes. Unlike tennis balls, wool dryer balls are soft and do not fluff, making them suitable for all types of fabrics.

Are wool dryer balls suitable for allergy sufferers?

Yes, wool dryer balls are hypoallergenic and safe to use for allergy sufferers.

Can I use essential oils with wool dryer balls?

Yes, you can use essential oils to add a lovely scent to your laundry. Put a few drops on the wool dryer balls before putting them in the dryer.

By answering these frequently asked questions, we hope you've gained a better understanding of what tumble dryer balls are and how they work. If you have any more questions about tumble dryer balls, don't hesitate to ask us!

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